Take charge
To become your
Best you
Have a feeling that there’s got to be more for your life?
A more purpose filled job, better relationship, more time for yourself?
You’re Meant to Live a Happy, Healthy, and Joyful Life
Lotus Wellness Workshops are interactive programs designed to engage, educate, and motivate your team incorporate wellness into their lives both in and out of the workplace.
Our corporate wellness workshops and programs are designed to enhance healthy employee outcomes, create a renewed sense of physical well-being, sharpen mental skills, reduce stress and tension and transform attitudes, outlooks, compassion and understanding.
Businesses worldwide are committed to excellent employee health because healthy, motivated people perform better and experience greater success.
Ready to get started on your wellness program?
Yoga doesn’t have to be something intimidating, exotic or complicated. The essence of yoga is to be present. By practicing yoga poses and observing your breath, you can learn to pay attention to what’s going on right now rather than dwelling on the past or the future. Life’s richness lies here in the present and that’s something worth pursuing, even if it is sometimes challenging!
Success Stories
Love the fact that it is only FIVE days! That, along with the simple recipes and prep tips made this the first detox I have actually completed. On day 5 I felt better than ever with tons of energy and mental clarity. I was also happy to see that I lost 6lbs and my belly is flatter and recovered from the holidays!
Carla S.
Waukegan, IL, USA
I believe we are all works-in-progress and continue to grow and develop regardless of what stage we are in our lives or careers.
Easier said than done, right? – That is why working with a coach is a great resource for anyone to have. Personal development can be achieved alone as a form of self-help, but this often prevents people from becoming aware of their “personal development blind spots” or it keeps them from addressing uncomfortable or painful topics that must be resolved before progress is possible.
The purpose of Lotus Personal Development Programs (LPDP) is to improve self-awareness, create an empowering identity, unleash latent potential, enhance one’s quality of life, improve social status, increase earning potential, determine one’s primary life purpose, and facilitate the achievement of personal causes and aspirations that will leave behind a personal legacy.
You are on the journey of a lifetime, but do you have a map and the resources necessary to arrive at your desired destination?
This course will give you a set of practical tools and strategies for building greater self-confidence and self-esteem, minimizing anxiety, and enhancing your positive mindset as a foundation for dealing with the challenges of life. You will also learn the basics of nourishment and effective tools to enhance and fine-tune your communication skills
¡Una desintoxicación con comida verdadera por 5 días para ayudarte a sentirte mejor y tener más energía, sin dejar de comer!
Sé que hay muchas desintoxicaciones que prometen ser una cura milagrosa, pero la Détox para Principiantes de 5 días es diferente porque se enfoca en introducir muchos alimentos saludables y ricos en nutrientes a tu dieta, en lugar de restringirte a unos pocos alimentos y bebidas. Muchas personas ya han pasado por una de mis Desintoxicaciones de 5 días y han tenido resultados increíbles.